Networking & Learning: Business Texting Delivered to Your Email

by Mark Nugent

June 6, 2024

I always enjoy networking events – they’re a great opportunity to connect with other professionals and learn new ways to approach business challenges. These conversations often inspire me to refine how we communicate the value proposition of TextingOnly.

A common question at any networking event is, “What do you do?” When I explain that TextingOnly helps businesses leverage SMS for communication, concerns about having to constantly monitor yet another messaging app often arise. “I don’t want my employees having to text people all the time, we worry about that enough trying to keep them off of mobile devices so they actually work.” This made a lot of sense to me.

How are you currently handling inquiries? “We rely on phone calls, email, or web forms.”

What happens when someone fills out a form on your website? “It usually goes to a designated email address, like sales@ or support@, depending on what the customer selected as the reason for contact.”

I then explained that TextingOnly provides the “entry point” for consumers who want to contact your business using SMS.

“Entry point, sounds complicated, is that like text to join?” Most people think of texting as an action of putting a number in the phone and texting that number, this requires steps and is clunky.

TextingOnly entry points are a mobile link, just like a web site address, the difference is the link we provide automates the launching of the native SMS application in the user’s phone. If the link is clicked and the user is on desktop or laptop is will automatically launch QR Code to Mobile in the browser window.

The other type of “entry point is a QR Code that can be used in Print to Text Automations. All these tools are created automatically in the dashboard and can be created in a couple minutes time.

Do you know what percentage of your web traffic is mobile? “No”

With over half of web traffic originating from mobile devices, an SMS channel is a powerful tool to reach consumers who prefer SMS. This is why we focus on inbound automations, like collecting the same information as you would in a form fill via conversational SMS without the high abandoned rates.

Do you get notified of partial form fills on your website? “No”

Think about it, if you are in e-commerce and a customer abandoned the cart, there is an opportunity to re-market. Same concept with TextingOnly: after opt-in, the customer can be reminded to finish the automation or nudged to complete the funnel.

We capture information in a conversational context via SMS and provide insights to partially completed conversations. Then, we deliver those text messages directly to your email inbox. You can manage text interactions just like emails, without the need to monitor a separate app.

One-to-one messaging is part of the platform for businesses that prefer direct, personalized conversations. And for those who want to automate their SMS communication, TextingOnly can deliver SMS automations straight to your email.

Key takeaway for me: Most businesses are using email as the go-to app for managing leads, and a texting channel can be delivered in the same way. TextingOnly offers flexible, customizable solutions for business texting, allowing you to connect with your customers through SMS. We simplify the process by integrating text messaging with your existing email workflow, eliminating the need for additional tools or apps.

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