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Creating a Lead Collector

  • Adding a Collector Campaign to a Subgroup:
    1. Go to the desired subgroup.
    2. Click Create New Lead Collector
    3. Select the Lead Collector type.
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Inbound SMS Types

  • Collector Campaigns
    • Purpose: Collect information from prospects/users through SMS-based questions.
    • Types:
      • Custom Questions: Create your own question sequence.
      • Custom Questions – Capture Name: Start by asking for the name, then add additional questions.
      • English to Spanish options: Enable OPT In and content creation in both languages.
      • List: Collect information for automated signups to capture email. Update contact info for SMS opt in using an email list.
      • Interactive Text Response Menus (ITR): Create self-service prospect funnels with automated responses based on numeric input.
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Creating a Collector Campaign

  1. Click Create Collector Campaign.
  2. Choose the collector type from the dropdown menu.
  3. Follow the prompts to create your campaign.
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Editing a Collector Campaign

  1. Access the Collector: Click on the collector’s name in Active Lead Collectors.
  2. View Options and Details: Click on the OPTIONS & Details tab.
  3. QR Code and Mobile Link: The system automatically generates a QR code and mobile link for the collector. Access them under QR Code Details.
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Collector Properties

  • Phone Number:
    • Assign a registered phone number to the collector for it to be active.
    • If no numbers are available, order one under the Numbers section.
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  • Initial Message:
    • The message that appears on the prospect’s phone to opt-in to the collector.
    • Default: “Please Send this Message to Get Started”
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  • Initial Image:
    • Optional image or logo to enhance the visual appeal.
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  • Questions:
    • Edit existing questions or add new ones to the sequence by clicking Edit Questions.
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Final Message:

  • Sent upon completion of the collector.
  • Use it to provide next steps, links, contact information, or initiate further communication.
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