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Managing Lists in TextingOnly

Accessing the Lists Section:

  1. Click the Lists tab on the left-hand navigation bar.
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Creating Lists:

  • + New List:
    • Manually create a list and provide a descriptive name.
    • Used to associate with collectors and collect data (e.g., website leads).
  • Upload a List:
    • Import a list of contacts from a CSV file.
    • Used for outbound SMS campaigns.

Active Lists:

  • View currently active lists.
  • Click on a list name or use the Action button to access details.
A screenshot of a computer
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List Details:

  • List Name and Description: Basic list information.
  • List Status: Indicates whether the list is active or inactive.
  • Contacts: View and edit individual contacts within the list.
  • Users with Access: Manage permissions for users who can send messages to the list.
A screenshot of a computer
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Sending Messages to Lists:

  • ++ Send a Message to Every Contact:
    • Select a sending number from the dropdown menu.
    • Click the Send Message button to initiate the process.
    • Launches the message sending dashboard.
A screenshot of a contact page
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