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The Difference Between MMS Messages and SMS Messages
The acronyms SMS and MMS both refer to text messages (sent or received), with the main difference being that MMS includes multimedia content (pictures, videos, or other attachments), while SMS is limited to text-only messages.
SMS stands for Short Message Service. SMS is a standard text messaging protocol that allows the exchange of short text messages between mobile devices — it is used by all mobile phones. SMS messages have a limit of 160 characters each.
MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. MMS technology that allows users to send and receive messages that include multimedia content: images, videos, audio files and other attachments.
Through the TextingOnly platform, you are able to send either SMS or MMS messages. Each MMS message sent counts as two message segments against your monthly limits.
MMS messages typically cost more than SMS messages to send and receive because they require the transmission of more data than standard SMS. Additionally, most carriers impose lower sending limits for MMS messages because of the data resources needed for MMS transmission.